Injectables Specialist

BOTOX®, Restylane®, RHA, and Sculptra are some of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the US among both men and women, helping to reduce lines and wrinkles in your face. The Skin and Laser Medical Centers offer state-of-the-art treatments to help patients in Redlands and Victorville, CA, achieve superior results.

How do injectables work?

BOTOX® is a formulary made by a small amount of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum that works by interrupting the nerve signals that travel between the brain and the facial muscles. These signals cause muscles to contract and tighten as a result of facial expressions. As the muscles contract, they tug on the skin and form lines (also called dynamic wrinkles). Over time, these lines can become very deep and noticeable. By interrupting these nerve signals, muscles become relaxed and deep lines and creases become far less noticeable.

Restylane® is a type of hyaluronic acid, which is a substance found naturally in your body. Hyaluronic acid attracts moisture, leaving your skin smoother and more elastic. Because Restylane® works with hyaluronic acid already found in your body, many patients start seeing results immediately, with continued improvement over the days following treatment.

Where are injectables used on the body?

BOTOX® and Restylane® can treat crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes, forehead lines, and frown lines -- those pesky, deep wrinkles that form between the brows. They are also beneficial for lifting and smoothing your cheeks and lines around your mouth. Many patients find these treatments are especially effective in reducing the signs of aging and restoring a more youthful appearance.

What happens during a treatment?

Before injection, a careful evaluation of the facial anatomy will determine the best needle placement for optimal results. Most treatments use several carefully placed injections to ensure the BOTOX® or Restylane® is spread consistently throughout the treatment area. The needles are fine, and most patients experience little to no discomfort. A mild numbing cream or an ice pack may be applied to the skin before treatment to reduce any discomfort. Once the injections are complete, there may be some minor bruising that can be covered with makeup. Injectable treatments are performed right in the office in about 10 minutes, and there’s no minimal time so that patients can return to most of their regular activities immediately afterward.

When can I expect results?

Initial results usually are visible within a few days to a week, and results last up to 4-6 months. With touch-up treatments, effects can persist indefinitely, and some patients find repeated injections soften the lines and creases, enabling them to wait a little longer between treatments.

Can BOTOX® be used along with Restylane®?

Probably yes -- it just depends on the area. Some patients opt to have both BOTOX® and Restylane® injections to treat wrinkles and lines, providing many of the same effects as a facelift but without the pain, risks, prolonged recovery time, and high cost of surgery. Usually, this combination is most beneficial for your lip and mouth area.

Dermal Fillers Specialist

Dermal fillers can provide an ideal solution for lines and wrinkles in the lower two-thirds of the face and for restoring volume in the cheeks, lips, and other areas. Dr. Steven E. Hodgkin and his qualified team of MDs, PAs, and nurses at the Skin and Laser Medical Centers offer cosmetic fillers like Restylane®, RHA, and Sculptra®, to help patients in Redlands and Victorville, CA, look more refreshed and more youthful.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are injectable products that are used to reduce or eliminate the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and creases and to “plump up” sunken areas in the cheeks or to fill out thin lips. Many cosmetic fillers are available to address different issues in different areas of the face. Fillers treat so-called static wrinkles, lines, and creases resulting from sun damage, photoaging, gravity, genetics, and similar factors. Wrinkles and lines caused by facial expressions (such as crow’s feet and frown lines) are called dynamic wrinkles and are better treated with BOTOX®. Fillers can be especially effective in reducing the appearance of nasolabial folds and “marionette” lines that form around the nose, lips, and chin. They can also be effective in gently lifting the lower portion of the face when injected into the cheek areas.

What types of fillers do you offer?

We offer several different types of cosmetic fillers to help patients get the results they want, including:

  • RHA, made from hyaluronic acid, a natural material that helps skin retain moisture, so it looks and feels plumper
  • Restylane®, a long-lasting filler that also uses hyaluronic acid and can help restore plumpness and volume in the cheeks and lips
  • Sculptra®, a cosmetic filler that uses a special biocompatible and biodegradable substance called poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) to provide longer-lasting results and increased firmness

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